TOPIC: God’s throne is a throne of Grace.
MEMORY VERSE: Jeremiah 14:21
[21]Do not abhor us, for thy name’s sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us.
FOCUS: Hebrews 4:16
[16]Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
To come boldly to the throne of grace means to approach God with confidence, not hesitancy, it is a demonstration of our faith and trust in His unconditional love and mercy.
The Greek word for “boldly” implies freedom in speaking, unreservedness in utterances, and the idea of speaking all without hypocrisy.
A throne represents authority in totality, it means power, wealth and prestige in the realm. The throne of grace means that God is now ruling in the power of His love and we have access to that power to ask for anything.
LESSON: 1 Samuel 1:18
[18]And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.
The account of Hannah showed us the relationship between a mother called “Hannah” who understands the power in the throne of grace and took advantage of the power therein to settle her case.
Our God is not selfish. He understands the wishes and the cries of his children, but he wants us to come boldly as children, not as slaves like Hannah, to his throne to ask for grace in time of need.
Hannah may think that she would be satisfied with a child even though she had to sacrifice him to the Lord according to her vow, but the Lord was gracious to her.
Each time we are bothered, God expects us to come boldly to his throne with the attitude of worship and adoration before presenting our case before him and as soon as we pour our hearts, there is a need for us to exercise our faith in thanksgiving that radiates and permeates our countenance from sadness to joy, etc.
PERSONAL CONFESSION: Grace has located me this year.
PERSONAL PRAYER: Father, I receive fresh grace for greater accomplishments this year in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Grace carried me here, and by grace, I will carry on.
NOTE: There is no reason for grace but grace.