TOPIC: Grace is Pleasant.
[4]I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
FOCUS: Revelation 22:21
[21]The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Grace is pleasant in all ramifications because it is favourable. It means that God’s unmerited favour and kindness towards us are sources of delight, joy, and comfort.
In essence, the pleasantness of God’s grace refers to the warmth, love and acceptance that comes from knowing that we are recipients of His undeserved favour, it is the feeling of being loved, accepted and valued by God not because of anything we’ve done, but simply because of who He is.
Grace is delightful.
In a practical sense, experiencing the pleasantness of God’s grace can manifest in various ways, and this must be consciously accepted.
📌Feeling a sense of calm amid life’s challenges.
📌Experiencing joy and gratitude in response to God’s blessings.
📌Having a sense of confidence and security in God’s love and care.
📌Being motivated to serve and obey God out of love and appreciation for His grace.
LESSON: Proverbs 22:18
[18]For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.
Grace can slip off if it’s not maintained or well retained by knowledge, just like it can be multiplied by certain factors.
Grace must reflect on what we say or do for it to be retained, it must be maintained by avoiding sin and ignorance at all costs, especially the sins of disobedience and ignorance.
Grace is visible when it’s activated and well-channeled and finally, Grace is Pleasant if it’s well-handled.
PERSONAL CONFESSION: I am a carrier of God’s grace.
PERSONAL PRAYER: Father, I receive your grace that makes life pleasant in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: His grace covers me, this is all I know and all that I need.
NOTE: God’s grace is not earned, it is freely given to all who believe and seek his love daily.
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