Prayers for the Day

  1. Father, thank you for another brand new day I am privileged to see. You deserves all my praises and adorations in Jesus Name. (Eph.5:20, Ps.115:1).
  2. Father, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, let the journey of this year be unto me a time of refreshing whereby peace that surpass human understanding saturates my life each day in Jesus Name. (Phip.4:7).
  3. Father, through the greatness of your Power, lead and guide me to a place of profiting all through this year and cause my spiritual ears to hear your voice of direction at all times in Jesus Name. (Is.58:11, Is.30:21).
  4. Father, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, let the earth hears the voice of the Lord this day that “I am not permitted to be swallow by it” all through this year and beyond. I will not bury my business, wife, husband, children etc in Jesus Name. (Jer.22:29, Job.20:18).
  5. Father, by the blood of everlasting covenant, let everything about me be supernaturally protected from all assaults of the wicked staged to overthrow my going this year and beyond in Jesus Name. (Ps.91:1-3, Rev.12:11).

Pray these prayer and say amen like thunder!
Good morning and have a lovely Saturday.

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