In this series, we are going to be looking at the enemies of Fruitfulness.
Until you are free from those enemies, you might not be fruitful.
TOPIC: SLOTFULNESS as an enemy of Fruitfulness.
MEMORY VERSE: Proverbs 24:30
[30]I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;
FOCUS: Proverbs 6:6
[6]Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
Slothfulness is also known as laziness or indolence, it is a habit of:
- Avoiding work or effort
- Lacking motivation or energy
- Procrastination or delaying tasks
- Preferring leisure over productivity
- Neglecting responsibilities.
God expects fruits from every one of us but slothfulness will kill the tree and stop it from bearing fruits.
God encourages us to go to the “ants” to learn diligence, even though they don’t have a ruler yet they are wise enough to make provision for their future.
Many destinies have been wasted away because of slothfulness and then go beyond rescue because the owners refuse to work or to make it work.
One of the killers of slothfulness is poor time management. Some people are praying when they are supposed to be working and they hide under spirituality to practice slothfulness.
It’s time to engage in profitable service.
LESSON: Proverbs 12:24
[24]The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.
Slothfulness will not allow a man to bear fruits because it cripples activities and paralysis intellectual research.
These are some of the effects of slothfulness on fruitfulness:
- Hinders spiritual growth and maturity
- Increases stress and anxiety
- Neglects responsibilities and commitments
- Reduces productivity and achievement
- Affects physical health and mental health.
Slothfulness can be overcome if you desire to be fruitful in the following ways:
- Set achievable goals and have priorities per time.
- Break tasks into manageable steps to avoid cumbersome
- Create a schedule and stick to it
- Get someone that you can be accountable to, a coach or a mentor
- Practice self-discipline and perseverance.
With these strategies, slothfulness will become a stepping stone to fruitfulness.
Happy Sunday.
PERSONAL CONFESSION: I am diligent, not slothful.
PERSONAL PRAYER: Father, I receive divine deliverance from slothfulness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Slothfulness casts one into a deep sleep and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
NOTE: Slothfulness is the lock on the door of opportunity.
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