- Father, thank you for the grace to be alive and for keeping me from the manipulations of the wicked while sleeping. To you alone be honour and praises in Jesus Name. (Is.38:18-20, Ps.115:1).
- Father, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, let every consultation with evil shrines in order to make mess of my life be condermed and frustrated as you visit such camp with your anger and vengeance today in Jesus Name. (Is.44:25, Job.5:12).
- Father, through the greatness of your Power, cut asunder every barrier hindering my progress. I decree from now onward, I shall begin to experience undeniable advancement and speed of accomplishment in all that I do in Jesus Name. (Ps.24:7-9, Is.45:2).
- Father, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, being the ninth month, let it be unto me month of supernatural deliveries of good things I have been pregnant with since the year began. I decree that men shall gather to celebrate with me this month in Jesus Name. (Rm.8:28, Gen.21:1/6).
- Father, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, hide me under your pavilion whereby you keep watch over me and my entire family in this “Ember month”. I decree our exemption from all tragedies in the remaining days of this year in Jesus Name. (Ps.27:4, Ps.91:1-3).
Pray these prayers and say amen like thunder!
Good morning and have a lovely weekend.
KingBangsat88 Ku Gas Kau Babi
Nicely put. Kudos!
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