TEXT: John 1:12 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”
*Memory Verse: Colossians 2:10 “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and
We are still in our series of Who are you? The question of identity must be properly defined so that we will be able to ascertain our identity in Christ. Lack of identity can lead to frustration in life and destiny. Purpose must be known but before you can discover your purpose, there is a need to know who are you?
In John 1:12, the Bible made us to know that we are complete in Christ. We are not at disadvantage, Christianity is an advantage to fulfilling destiny; it is never a minus, it is always a plus and multiplication. The Bible told us we are complete because we are actually complete; if we are not complete the Bible wouldn’t have told us. We are not managing, we are not handicapped; we are not at loss by giving our lives to Christ; we already have an advantage over those who are yet to. So, don’t let anyone make you feel bad, you are complete in Him.
No matter what you don’t have physically, keep reminding yourself that you are complete in Him. You are not married, you are complete in Him; you don’t have a child yet, you are complete in Him; any stage you are in life and destiny, you are actually complete; whether you are rich or poor, educated or uneducated; there is no Jew, there is no Greek; we are all complete in Him. God does not want us to live a life that we will look at ourselves as if something has left us.
Sometimes when you meet people, they make you feel like they are less than who God has designed them to be. No, you are not less than. Infact, you are at advantage of who you are and that is why you must go about your duty and tell yourself I am complete in Him. If there is any physical feature that you want to have but you are yet to have, don’t let it stop you. Keep pursuing your goal. Keep fulfilling purpose. Keep pursuing your vision and you will know that God has paid the price for you. He didn’t pay half, He paid in full! God bless you.
1Thessalonians 2:12 “That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.,”
We are looking at the series who are we in Christ and we are looking at we are complete in Him. We are taking our text from 1Thessalonians 2:12. Why? because we are complete in Him. If we are complete in God then we know that Christ in us is the hope of Glory. We must come to this understanding that we are complete in God and has seen us as complete entities; we are not handicapped.
He has called us and He knows we are worthy. So, the sense of unworthiness shouldn’t come in; we shouldn’t feel less as a citizen of the kingdom. You should not feel like there is something you need to do extra. We have heard people say that their sin is so grievous and they are wondering if God can actually forgive them. God forgives people; He wipes away evil records no matter how grievous the sin is. If only the person can come to God and say ‘Lord Jesus, I come to you today’ and accept the reality that you are wrong. He is a father, He will let it God. But inasmuch as you feel you are right, that is what prolong sin and we thank God today because God has given us this devotional so that we can be reminded that we are actually complete in Him and we are worthy of His kingdom.
Do not let anyone talk you out of it. You are your father’s favorite. If He doesn’t want you, He wouldn’t have died for you. It is because you are special to Him that is why He died for you. May God bless us in the name of Jesus!
God has seen you and He knows what you can do; He knows your capacity, He knows your capability and that is why He died for you and paid the price so that you can be complete in Him. Indeed we are complete in Him! Your status notwithstanding; your education notwithstanding; whether you are literate or illiterate notwithstanding. The truth is that we are complete in Him. God bless you in Jesus name. Amen.
PERSONAL CONFESSION: Father I thank you because am complete in you.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father deliver me from low self esteem that is fighting my identity in Christ.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: I am complete in Him.
Nothing triggers signs and wonders like knowing who you are in christ.
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