You can’t believe a vision when you don’t love or believe a person.
Horizon means a fresh start in life. It could be a job, a relationship. It is breaking new grounds.
Breaking the limit of whatever that is standing against you.
To enjoy new Horizon, you need to understand the following:
A. The first thing you need to step into a new horizon is an ENCOUNTER with Jesus. Gen. 27:41. Higher grounds is available but you must desire an encounter Gen. 32:24.
What you don’t hate you can’t change.
How do I provoke encounter?
- Desire it
- Pray for it
- Don’t just desire; don’t just pray; Also position your heart with sincerity.
When you want to position, don’t be in haste. Learn to reject.
B. Build your FAITH. (Habakkuk 2:4)
Faith is a spiritual world without limits.
In this everything answers to faith. In God’s kingdom, our currency is Faith. Faith is a seed that when planted in your spirit, it begins to grow and when it finally grows, no force can touch it.
How to build faith
- By hearing positive words
- Testimonies
- Association
Faith is all it takes to move that mountain from where it ought to be.
C. (Habakkuk 1:4) The size of your vision is determined by the size of your faith. What you can’t see you can’t pursue. “GET A VISION.” Vision makes you run!
Vision makes you ask yourself deliberate questions like ” Have I lived a wasteful year or not?” You deliberately invest to better your life. Build your life on facts and truth.
It is vision that keeps your future safe.
Have a vision that drives you to work. As your vision grows it gets better.
Vision is readable.
Vision brings provision
Your vision might start small but continue. When your vision is slow, don’t be discouraged.
D. (Jeremiah 1:11)
What you can’t see, you can’t possess. You must learn how to do WARFARE. The foolishness of faith is the wining ticket of the race of life. (John 2:5) In warfare, we obey the master. (1Timothy 6:12, Ephesians 6:16)
If you don’t fight, you won’t lay hold.
We need to build godly relationships because iron sharpeneth iron. It is your vision that choose your friends.
What you must see in a friend:
- Must be able to tell you the truth.
- Must be able to celebrate your success.
- Must be able to believe what you believe.
Relationship is crucial to rising. (Proverbs 3)
Faith requires labour and diligence. God principles don’t change (2 Peter 1:5)
F. FAITH AND GRACE. (Romans 5:2, 2Corinthians 8:7, 1Timothy 1:14)
Greatness have no end but to sustain it, you need to abide in Grace. You can’t fight grace and expect it to work for you. (Psalm 144:3-4)

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